About Ken Tumin

Ken Tumin founded the Bank Deals Blog in 2005, which evolved into DepositAccounts. He has been frequently referenced by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other publications as a banking expert.

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Bank Deals Blog: CD Deals

Michigan Schools & Govt Credit Union 11-Mo CD Has Market-Leading Rate
Deal Summary: 11-month CD Special, 5.40% APY, $500 minimum deposit, at least $10k of new money required if existing funds are also used.

Availability: All Michigan counties

At the end of 2022, one of the most competitive 5-year CDs in the country was offered by Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union (MSGCU). The 4.75% APY (very competitive in 2022), a low $500 minimum opening deposit, a one-time rate bump option, and a mild Early Withdrawal Penalty (EWP) lasted for five months.

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Home Savings Bank 6-Month Internet CD Continues To Be Competitive
Deal Summary: 6-month Internet CD, 5.50% APY, $5k minimum/$250k maximum deposit.

Availability: Nationwide

Utah-based Home Savings Bank is currently offering 5.50% APY on its 6-month Internet CD. The minimum opening deposit is $5k, with each individual “limited to “$250,000 in any one or combination of Online Certificate Accounts.”

The 6-month Internet CD is also available as Internet IRA CD (Traditional and Roth), earning the same APY with the same deposit requirements.

The fine print on the Internet Rates page reads, “Additional disclosure applies to accounts opened online.” Some of...

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CFG Bank 12-Month CD APY Bounces Back To Rate-Leading Level
Deal Summary: 12-month CD, 5.40% APY, $500 min/$500k max deposit.

Availability: Nationwide through online application

It’s been about ten months since I wrote about the CFG Bank 12-month CD, which had been quite competitive in the first half of 2023. In the past five months, the 12-month CD APY lost 42 bps, with last fall’s short-lived 5.67% APY a distant memory. With two rate increases (15 bps) in the past two weeks ago, the 12-month CD is currently offering a very competitive 5.40% APY....

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M1 Bank (MO) Adds Rate-Leading 10-Month And 15-Month CDs
Deal Summary: 10-month CD (5.75% APY) and 15-month CD (5.50% APY), $1k minimum opening deposit.

Availability: Greater St. Louis metropolitan area.

For a limited time, M1 Bank is offering two CDs with market-leading rates: 10-month (5.75% APY) and 15-month (5.50% APY). The minimum opening deposit is $1k, with no stated balance cap. CSR stated there is no specified end-date and the “CDs will be available until the goal is met."

Early Withdrawal Penalty

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Pelican State Credit Union 60-Month CD Has Near Market-Leading Rate
Deal Summary: 60-month CD, 4.70% APY, $500 minimum deposit.

Availability: Nationwide Easy Membership Requirement

Louisiana-based Pelican State Credit Union (Pelican State) boosted the rate on its 60-month CD recently. Following a substantial increase of 88 bps, the 60-month CD offers a competitive 4.70% APY, which places the 60-month CD near the top of the 5-year CD in yesterday’s CD Deal Summary.

The minimum opening deposit is $500, with no stated balance cap. While Jumbo CDs ($10k minimum deposit) are listed separately on the Pelican State...

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Magnifi Financial Introduces Competitive 15-Month "Pick Your Term" CD Special
Deal Summary: “Pick Your Term” CD Specials – 15-month (5.30% APY), 20-month (5.25% APY), and 10-month (5.35% APY); $2.5k min/$500k max deposit per member, with at least 50% of new money.

Availability: Easy membership requirement, but promotion limited to existing members (as of 2/5/2024) and new members from MN, ND or WI.

Minnesota-based Magnifi Financial has restructured its “Pick Your Term” CD Specials, changing the term-lengths and rates. In January, Magnifi Financial offered two CD Specials (17-month, 5.40% APY and 23-month, 5.25% APY); this latest offering includes...

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Hughes FCU 17-Month Jumbo CD Maintains Market-Leading Rate
Deal Summary: 17-month CD Specials – Jumbo, 5.65% APY ($99k minimum) and Mini-Jumbo, 5.60% APY ($50k minimum).

Availability: Easy membership requirement

Arizona-based Hughes Federal Credit Union (Hughes FCU) has been offering a 17-month Mini-Jumbo CD Special (5.60% APY) and a 17-month Jumbo CD Special (5.65% APY) since the beginning of the year. Based on the recent trend of falling rates, there is a good possibility these long-lasting rate-leading APYs may be lowered sometime soon. If you are thinking of opening either a Mini-Jumbo CD Special or a Jumbo...

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CNB Texas Unveils Rate-Leading 12-Month CD Special
Deal Summary: 12-month CD Special, 5.64% APY, $10k minimum opening deposit.

Availability: Six Dallas metro area counties and Tahoe City, California.

For a limited time, Citizens National Bank of Texas (CNB Texas) is offering a 12-month CD Special with a market-leading 5.64% APY. The 12-month CD Special requires a $10k minimum opening deposit, with no stated balance cap. There is no specified end-date on the CNB Texas website and CSR was not aware of an end-date. It's another case...

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My eBanc 6-Month and 12-Month Jumbo CDs Are Near Rate-Leaders
Update 3/12/204: The CD rates have fallen – Jumbo OTDs: 6-month (5.49% APY) and 12-month (5.41% APY); OTDs: 6-month (5.20% APY) and 12-month (5.30% APY).

Deal Summary: Jumbo Online Time Deposits (CDs) – 6-month (5.51% APY) and 12-month (5.45% APY), $50k minimum deposit.

Availability: Internet bank

About three months ago, My eBanc lowered the minimum opening deposit for Jumbo Online Time Deposits (OTDs) from $100k to $50k, making the Jumbo OTDs more competitive and more accessible. Following the recent trend of falling rates, the 6-month and 12-month OTD...

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ORNL Federal Credit Union (TN) Ups 16-Month Promo CD Rate
Deal Summary: 16-month Promotional CD, 5.35% APY, $500 minimum deposit.

Availability: 19 Eastern Tennessee counties.

Tennessee-based ORNL Federal Credit Union (ORNL FCU) recently increased the rate of its 16-month Promotional CD. Following a substantial increase of 40 bps, the 16-month Promotional CD currently earns 5.35% APY. The minimum opening deposit is $500, with no stated balance cap.

The 16-month Promotional CD is also available as an IRA CD (Traditional and Roth), earning the same 5.35% APY with the same deposit requirements.

Early Withdrawal Penalty

As stated in the Truth-in-Savings...

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