Best CD Rates of February 2025

Locking in a high-yield certificate of deposit (CD) can help you fast-track your financial goals while taking advantage of today’s highest CD rates.

You can get a CD from various financial institutions, including traditional banks, credit unions and online-only banks. Here’s a closer look at the top CD rates available and tips for choosing the best CD to fit your needs.

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Best CD rates

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Search our robust database of banks and credit unions to find your perfect account.

Deposit Amount
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Min. to Earn
Min. Deposit
NCUA Insured
12 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating
12 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 10.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $500
Minimum Deposit
Mcdowell Cornerstone Credit Union
NCUA Insured
6 Month CD
4.3 Our Rating
Mcdowell Cornerstone Credit Union
6 Month CD
4.3 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.13%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $1k
Minimum Deposit
Planters Bank, Inc.
Member FDIC
4 Month No Penalty CD Special
4.0 Our Rating
Planters Bank, Inc.
4 Month No Penalty CD Special
4.0 Our Rating Member FDIC
APY 5.13%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $2.5k
Minimum Deposit
Thornapple Credit Union
NCUA Insured
6 Month CD
5.0 Our Rating
Thornapple Credit Union
6 Month CD
5.0 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.12%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $0
Minimum Deposit
Daniels-Sheridan Federal Credit Union
NCUA Insured
1 Year Share Certificate
5.0 Our Rating
Daniels-Sheridan Federal Credit Union
1 Year Share Certificate
5.0 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.11%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $500
Minimum Deposit
Empower Federal Credit Union
NCUA Insured
9 Month Share Certificate
4.0 Our Rating
Empower Federal Credit Union
9 Month Share Certificate
4.0 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.10%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $500
Minimum Deposit $500
West Union Bank
Member FDIC
7 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating
West Union Bank
7 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating Member FDIC
APY 5.06%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $500
Minimum Deposit
First State Bank (57910)
Member FDIC
13 Month CD
4.3 Our Rating
First State Bank (57910)
13 Month CD
4.3 Our Rating Member FDIC
APY 5.04%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $25k
Minimum Deposit
United Credit Union
NCUA Insured
9 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating
United Credit Union
9 Month CD Special
5.0 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.01%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $500
Minimum Deposit
Clearpath Federal Credit Union
NCUA Insured
13 Month Savings Certificate Special - New Money
3.8 Our Rating
Clearpath Federal Credit Union
13 Month Savings Certificate Special - New Money
3.8 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $5k
Minimum Deposit
Commonwealth Credit Union (KY)
NCUA Insured
24 Month Wealth Development Certificate
3.7 Our Rating
365 Days
Commonwealth Credit Union (KY)
24 Month Wealth Development Certificate
3.7 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days) 365 Days
Minimum to Earn $5
Minimum Deposit $5
Commonwealth Credit Union (KY)
NCUA Insured
48 Month Wealth Development Certificate
3.8 Our Rating
365 Days
Commonwealth Credit Union (KY)
48 Month Wealth Development Certificate
3.8 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days) 365 Days
Minimum to Earn $5
Minimum Deposit $5
Education 1St Credit Union
NCUA Insured
6 Month Share Certificate
4.3 Our Rating
Education 1St Credit Union
6 Month Share Certificate
4.3 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $1k
Minimum Deposit
Indiana University Credit Union
NCUA Insured
6 Month CD
3.6 Our Rating
90 Days
Indiana University Credit Union
6 Month CD
3.6 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days) 90 Days
Minimum to Earn $2k
Minimum Deposit $2k
Profinance Federal Credit Union
NCUA Insured
13 Month Share Certificate Special - New Money
3.8 Our Rating
Profinance Federal Credit Union
13 Month Share Certificate Special - New Money
3.8 Our Rating NCUA Insured
APY 5.00%
Early Withdrawal Penalty (Days)
Minimum to Earn $5k
Minimum Deposit

CD rate news 2025

The best CDs available today offer rates ranging from 2.70% to 4.70% annual percentage yield (APY).

The Federal Reserve cut rates three times in 2024 (September, November and December), which caused CD rates to start dropping.

While the Federal Reserve does not directly set CD rates, it does control the federal funds rate. Commercial banks and credit unions use the federal funds rate to determine their own interest rates on products such as deposit accounts, credit cards and loans. The current federal funds rate ranges from 4.25% to 4.50%.

The ideal time to invest in a CD depends on your financial circumstances and goals. However, if you have extra funds to invest, locking in a high-rate CD now could be a smart move.

Current promotional CD rates

Here are three financial institutions that currently offer high-interest CDs. Banks are listed in order from highest to lowest rate.

Institution Minimum deposit 6-month APY 12-month APY Longest term available
Rising Bank $1,000 4.70% 4.35% 3 years: 2.70% APY
Bask Bank $1,000 4.45% 4.25% 24 months: 3.75% APY
BMO Alto $0 4.30% 4.20% 60 months: 3.90% APY

What is a certificate of deposit?

A CD is a type of savings account that locks in a fixed amount of money for a fixed period of time. In exchange, you’ll typically earn higher yields than a traditional savings account.

You determine how much you want to deposit, ensuring it meets the bank’s minimum deposit requirements and selecting a maturity date that works for you. CD terms generally range from one month to five years. A term is the length of time your money stays in a CD, and banks commonly charge an interest-rate penalty if you cash out early. This means, for example, that you may be charged the equivalent of three months’ interest for an early withdrawal from a 6-month CD.

As you consider opening a CD, you’ll want to examine these important factors:

Types of CDs

Banks, credit unions and online lenders offer a range of CDs to fit various financial needs. Here are some popular options to consider.

How to choose a CD

If you’re ready to invest in a CD, here are five steps to help you make the right choice.

1. Determine your financial goals

Ask yourself what you hope to gain from investing in CDs. If you want to build an emergency fund, a high-yield savings account might be a better fit. However, if you’re saving for a long-term goal, such as a down payment on a home, then setting aside funds in a CD can help you stay on track.

2. Find a federally insured financial institution with competitive rates

A high-yield CD can help you get the best return on your savings compared with a standard CD. Research rates and stick to financial institutions backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).

Standard coverage is $250,000 per account holder, per insured institution, per ownership category. An ownership category refers to who owns an account, such as a single or joint account.

3. Pick a CD type and term

Explore the different types of CDs to find the best options for your long-term financial goals. Then, decide how long you feel comfortable locking away your funds. CD terms commonly range from three months to five years, though some banks may offer other choices.

4. Understand early withdrawal penalties

Life can be unpredictable, and you may need to withdraw funds from your CD before its term ends. Before investing in a CD, review the early withdrawal penalties so you can be prepared for a worst-case scenario.

One way to prepare for unexpected expenses is to invest in CD ladders, which are a series of CDs with staggered maturity dates. This way, you can have CDs maturing at regular intervals.

5. Deposit funds

Banks may have minimum deposit requirements that can vary greatly by financial institution. Some banks don’t require a minimum deposit, while others set a steep minimum of $25,000. A $1,000 minimum deposit can be a common requirement.

Pros and cons of CDs


  • Fixed rates: CDs with fixed rates offer guaranteed, predictable returns.
  • Higher rates: You can typically earn more on CDs than on savings and money market accounts.
  • Safe investments: CDs issued by federally insured institutions come with insurance coverage.
  • No maintenance fees: Unlike some savings and money market accounts, CDs do not charge monthly fees.


  • Early withdrawal penalties: You will likely face a penalty if you withdraw funds before your CD’s maturity date.
  • Additional deposits aren’t allowed: Once you’ve opened a CD, you typically can’t add funds after making your initial deposit.
  • Lower returns than stocks: You could potentially earn more by investing your money in stocks, but the risks are also greater.

Is a CD right for you?

Ultimately, the decision of whether to open a CD comes down to your financial goals and needs. For example, if you want to buy a new car in a year, opening a 12-month CD can provide guaranteed earnings, so you’ll know how much money will be available for the purchase. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a place to stash your emergency savings, you’ll want an account that has fewer limitations on withdrawals, such as a traditional or high-yield savings account.

Getting a CD can also help you build discipline with your savings. Because you may be charged a penalty for early withdrawals, you’ll be less likely to dip into your savings prematurely, helping you stay on track to reach your goals.

How to build a CD ladder

A CD ladder is a savings strategy that involves buying multiple CDs and staggering their maturity dates to allow regular access to cash without penalties. You may want to spread your funds evenly over several CDs or allocate larger amounts to a couple of them.

Here’s an example of how someone could invest $15,000 into a CD ladder:

How much does a $10,000 CD make in a year?

Your earning potential with a CD depends on the rate, term and deposit amount. Unlike a traditional savings account, you can’t keep adding more funds to your CD after opening it.

Here’s a breakdown of how much you could earn with a $10,000 CD using different rates and terms. You should understand that the frequency with which your interest compounds will depend on your account and financial institution. Many CDs use monthly compounding, meaning that the interest earned every month is added to the principal amount. In contrast, some CDs compound daily or annually. Below are examples of CDs that compound interest annually.

APY CD term Earnings
2.50% 3 months $61.92
3.00% 6 months $148.89
4.50% 12 months $450.00
4.80% 60 months $2,641.73

Alternatives to CDs

Although CDs normally earn higher rates than other types of savings accounts, they might not be the best option for achieving your financial goals. For example, if you need regular access to your savings or want to set up automatic deposits, one of the following savings accounts might be a better choice.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I withdraw from a CD early?

The exact penalties will depend on the details outlined in your CD account agreement. That said, federal law determines the minimum penalties for early withdrawals. For example, if you withdraw funds within six days of opening a CD account, you will need to pay seven days' worth of simple interest. You can estimate how much an early withdrawal might cost you with our early withdrawal penalty calculator.

How are CDs taxed?

Any income earned from your CD accounts will be taxed as interest income for the tax year in which it was earned. You should receive a 1099-INT in January outlining the interest earned during the previous tax year. Use this form when filing your tax return.

Should I put my emergency funds in a CD?

Because you’ll need quick access to emergency funds, a CD may not be the best choice for storing them. Instead, you may want to put these funds in a high-yield savings account or money market account. You could consider dividing your emergency savings between multiple accounts for short-term expenses and using a CD ladder for longer-term expenses.

Do CDs charge fees?

Most CDs are free to open and don’t charge the maintenance fees of some traditional savings or money market accounts. However, brokered CDs may carry commission or asset-based fees. Also, most CDs charge early withdrawal fees if you decide to cash out before the end of the term.

Can you lose money on a CD?

Because CDs have fixed interest rates, the primary way to lose money is by making an early withdrawal. Even then, the earned interest might be enough to cover the penalty your bank charges. CDs do have an opportunity cost — if interest rates rise, you’re locked into a lower rate. Similarly, if inflation increases, it can erode the purchasing power of your money over time.