Including Amesville, Barlow, Bartlett, Belmont, Belpre, Beverly, Friendly, Lowell, Lower Salem, Marietta, and 10 other towns.
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Banking in the Parkersburg Area
Parkersburg is home to over 31,000 people, and over 92,000 if one takes into account the larger metropolitan area. Originally settled as Newport in the late 18th century, Parkersburg is now home to several colleges and boasts a semi-professional football team, the Wood County Ravens. The city is also the location of the Annual Mid-Ohio Valley Multi-Cultural Festival.
The headquarters of twelve credit unions and nine banks are located in the Parkersburg area, though there are more than 20 banks and 15 credit unions in all. These banks and credit unions maintain approximately 90 branches throughout the area. Among the financial institutions headquartered in the City of Parkersburg, some of the most noteworthy are the United Bank of West Virginia, N. A., Peoples Bank, the Community Bank of Parkersburg, the Citizens Bank Company, and Williamstown Bank. The first of these, United Bank (WV), is the oldest active bank in Parkersburg, having been established in 1839.