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Ken Tumin founded the Bank Deals Blog in 2005 and has been passionately covering the best deposit deals ever since. He is frequently referenced by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other publications as a top expert, but he is first and foremost a fellow deal seeker and member of the wonderful community of savers that frequents DepositAccounts.

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Internet Banks With Small ACH Transfer Limits


A reader recently posted in the forum about his disappointment with UFB Direct and its small ACH transfer limit. He learned from the bank's CSR that the external transfer limits are $2,000 daily and $5,000 monthly. For customers hoping to take advantage of UFB Direct's very competitive money market rate, these low limits can make it more difficult. When I reviewed UFB Direct last year, I was told that certain customers can have this limit raised. According to the UFB Direct official:

Once you are with UFB Direct for 90 days and have used the standard inbound transfer, had no NSF incidents and have maintained the account in good standing, you can fall in the standard high limit: $15,000 daily and $25,000 monthly.

In my opinion, even these higher limits are too low. UFB Direct isn't alone. Other banks and credit unions have small transfer limits.

Incredible Bank is a little better with its limits, but they're still low especially for outbound transfers. According to Incredible Bank's FAQs, there's a "maximum of $10,000 ACH transferred out per day and a maximum of $50,000 ACH in per day." At least Incredible Bank publishes their limits. Few banks or credit unions make this information easily accessible.

Last week I reported on CIT Bank's new online transfer service. Just like UFB Direct, the transfer limits are low. The maximum transfer size is currently $5,000 per day. I was told they're working to increase this to $250,000. Hopefully, this will be done soon.

I just posted on PenFed's ACH transfer service which has a $5,000 per day limit. So banks are not the only ones that have small limits.

ACH Transfer Overview

For those not familiar with ACH transfers, ACH is short for Automated Clearing House Network. It's the network that provides an electronic funds transfer process between bank accounts. ACH is most commonly used for direct deposit. For internet bank accounts, ACH transfers are typically the main way that customers can make deposits and withdrawals.

There are two ways to initiate an ACH transfer. You can make a deposit into an account by "pulling" funds from your account at another bank. This is done using the ACH transfer service of the bank that's receiving the deposit.

You can also make a deposit into an account by "pushing" funds into that account by using another bank's transfer service.

Why the Small Transfer Limits?

I've been told by several officials from the banks and credit unions that the main reason for the small transfer limits is fraud. Here's what a PenFed official told me in 2009:

At this time, PenFed's position on this policy is largely due to matters concerning fraud.

There is a high risk of fraud associated with ACH transactions - both incoming and outgoing. For outgoing electronic transfers, PenFed prefers to offer wire or Western Union services to our membership. Though not completely void of fraud, these services provide a higher level of security that greatly reduce the opportunity for fraudulent activity to occur.

Typically, the transfer limits apply only at the bank where you are initiating the transfers (the ACH originator). A reader provided a good explanation about why financial institutions have such restrictions on their own ACH service but not on ACH transfers made at other financial institutions. His comments were directed to ProvidentNJ Direct, but they are relevant to any bank:

It's a question of bank liability.

If a bank initiates an ACH credit to another bank, that ACH credit cannot be recalled. So if a bad guy somehow got into a Provident account and transferred all the money out, Provident would be liable to the account holder (assuming it was a consumer -- not a business -- account) and it would have no easy way to get the money back from the bank to which it was sent.

On the other hand, if another bank initiates an ACH debit from a Provident account, then NACHA rules allow Provident to reverse the transaction -- no questions asked -- for 60 days if they can produce a Written Statement Under Penalty of Perjury (WSUPP) from the account holder. They are under no obligation to investigate the legitimacy of the WSUPP.

Even though there does seem to be legitimate concerns about fraud, I wonder if there are other reasons why banks have small ACH transfer limits. Small transfer limits make it harder to move your money. So when rates fall, deposits won't leave as quickly.

Banks That Don't Have Small Transfer Limits

There are several internet banks that don't have small transfer limits. Ally Bank is one. You can see the transfer limits when you're logged into your Ally account in the transfer money section. I'm not sure if this varies by customer. The limits that I see when I'm logged in are $150,000 per day and $600,000 per month.

I wouldn't label EverBank's limits as large, but they aren't small. When I reported on EverBank's new bonus rates, I learned that its online ACH transfers are limited to $50,000 per day and $200,000 per month.

Some new internet banks have no transfer limits (at least based on what I was told by the bank CSRs). Two examples are TIAA Direct and Barclays.

Final Notes

It should be noted that these ACH transfer limits are often not well documented by the banks, and even the CSRs are sometimes unaware of the details. Also, the limits often change and can vary by customer. It's common for new customers to be subject to smaller limits. Please keep these issues in mind if you have seen different limits than what I've described above.

Have you been disappointed in low ACH transfer limits at your bank or credit union? What's your favorite bank or credit union for making ACH transfers?

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Previous Comments
  |     |   Comment #1
For Ally, I'm seeing different outbound and inbound limits.  Outbound from Ally is $150,000 per day and $600,000 per month. Inbound from an external checking account is $250,000 per day and $1,000,000 per month. 
  |     |   Comment #2
Some banks are even smaller. Perkstreet starts customers with a limit of $1500 per MONTH, which makes it pretty worthless to even average income folks.
  |     |   Comment #17
That bank is gone out of business
  |     |   Comment #3
"Small transfer limits make it harder to move your money. So when rates fall, deposits won't leave as quickly." 'Bout says it all. Thanks for bringin' this issue up, Ken.
  |     |   Comment #4
A related issue is how soon you can access your funds after the ACH.  I used to use PayPal and was disappointed in how long the float was.  Another bank used to take about a day longer than I thought they should take when I pushed funds from there.
  |     |   Comment #5
I'm 99% certain UFB Direct uses CashEdge.  CashEdge, in my view, is an instant disqualifier when it comes to movement of funds via ACH.  CashEdge could be the single worst service provider in the entire American financial industry.  I'll stick with Alliant, thank you very much.  CashEdge is a must to avoid.  They are scary bad.
  |     |   Comment #6
We've been PenFed members for years and are generally pleased with this CU, both for competitive rates and good customer service.  But in one area -- payment of credit card balances thorugh ACH or otherwise -- they really fall short.

With our other cards, we can pay directly and immediately through our bank's online bill-paying service,  But PenFed (and only PenFed) hasn't registered its Platinum Visa card with this major bank, so they can only be paid by check and snail mail.

They have an ACH payment option, but it's limited to a few thousand dollars a day. 

I fail to see how allowing a long-time customer to pay the entire balance through ACH poses any risk to PenFed.  I can't see any risk of fraud -- but even if there were, they have a "banker's lien" on our deposits (which exceed the credit card balances).  But I've never gotten any explanation from them.

  |     |   Comment #13
  |     |   Comment #7
TIAADirect is  imposing a $5,000/day limit effective Feb 9, 2013.
  |     |   Comment #8
starting february 2013 CTI bank is changing the ach transfer limit to $5000 per day. Depending how much you have it is like taking the money in hostage and removing freedom. completely unacceptable for a bank. they should be a shoe store instead.
  |     |   Comment #9
Wells Fargo has a daily limit of $5000 and a monthly limit of $6000. Really bad when you need to move money around. They are happy to honor checks written against your account regardless of the limit. Go figure! It costs them far more to process a paper check than an ACH transfer and the ACH transfer is much less risky for the customer. just one more case of self serving by banks all of whom have arbitration clauses in their customer agreements.
Bo Breglund
  |     |   Comment #10
If banks like BofA don't want to offer reasonable banking and access to your money then its time to move to Capital One and similar.
  |     |   Comment #11
If you think Capital One is better...try again. If one opts out of all their marketing/promotions, etc. they put you on the long wait when you call them about your credit card.
Gaius Gracchus
  |     |   Comment #12
Alliant daily limit is 2500.00. Ridiculous. We should have gone with Ally in the first place.
Who knew? It is not something they advertise when you sign up, that's for sure.
  |     |   Comment #15
Thanks for the article! I've been wondering the same things about low limits, and this makes a lot of sense.
  |     |   Comment #16
The lowest I will consider is 5k daily ach limit and even that is too low, bread savings has that. The good news is that you can request for an increase of upto 100k, of course that may get denied.

I have Ally and it's great to have that big ach limit, so far I haven't encountered any account lockouts. I've read Bask bank has a lot of account lock outs due to people transferring out so I hope it's just a small group.

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