Find and Research Credit Unions

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More than 6,000 federally-insured credit unions are currently active in the United States, boasting more than 100 million members. The reasons to consider a joining a credit union are many, but how does one determine which credit unions he or she is eligible for? That's where we come in!

DepositAccounts 'Credit Union Finder' Tool (below) takes your inputs and runs those up against our proprietary database of eligibility information for each of the nation's 6,000+ credit unions to generate a personalized results list of all of your high likelihood eligibility matches….

Credit Union Finder

Find High-Likelihood Matches

Complete the form below to generate a list of high-likelihood matches for credit unions that you are eligible to join based on your location and employment industry (optional).

More Credit Union Resources and Information

DepositAccounts offers a variety of credit union resources, including our 'What is a Credit Union?' page. Check out our comprehensive list of credit unions that are open to the majority of people in the U.S., our interactive map for finding local credit union branches near you, as well as all of our other rate tables, tools and articles that include a wealth of helpful credit union information.

What is a Credit Union?
Big List of Credit Unions Anyone Can Join
Credit Union Rates Map

* The APY (Annual Percentage Yield) shown is based on the deposit amount selected. Expand the listing to see APYs for other deposit amounts.
† The rates for some products vary by region. In these cases we have listed the rates for the region closest to the bank's headquarters.