A children's savings account is a great way to help your kid learn how to save money. Comparing banks to find the best rate possible on your child's savings account will help them to see results sooner and stay motivated. Many banks and credit unions offer significantly higher rates on child accounts on low balances to encourage saving. The banks with special deals for kids tend to be local so we have compiled a list of several hundred of these banks and continually verify the rates to help you get the best deal possible.
A children's savings account is a great way to help your kids and grand kids learn how to save money. Compare banks and credit unions to find the best rate possible on your child's savings account and help them to see results sooner and stay motivated. Some institutions package their children’s accounts into clubs and issue membership cards to account holders after joining. The club experience also includes special events, contests, and games that help teach fundamental principles of saving and spending money. Other children’s savings accounts incentivize saving by offering prizes when particular goals are achieved.
Many banks and credit unions offer high interest rates on children’s accounts, even with low balances, to encourage saving. Some have fairly low maximum balance caps, but most have no limits as to how big the account can grow. The banks with special deals for kids tend to be local, so we have compiled a list of several hundred of these banks and continually verify the rates to help you get the best deal possible.
Using a Children’s Savings Account
A children’s savings account is a useful tool to help your children begin saving for college, as well. Some studies have shown that youth with funded savings accounts are more likely to enter and complete a post-secondary education. Parents or legal guardians are usually joint owners of the account and can decide how much ownership to give their child as they grow into higher levels of responsibility. If you give allowances to your child or children, one strategy that could serve as valuable financial education is to deposit the allowance directly into the account and teach them how to access and spend it. To open most children’s savings accounts, you’ll need to have some form of identification for your child ready (e.g., social security card, birth certificate, school ID, passport, immunization records).
Children’s Savings Account as a Trust
Parents and legal guardians may serve as custodians on children’s savings accounts and treat the account somewhat like a trust account. The child will receive the contents of the account upon reaching a particular age, generally 18. Check out the offerings above to see if there is an account that will help your child get started with his or her financial education.