5 star: | (3) | |
4 star: | (0) | |
3 star: | (1) | |
2 star: | (1) | |
1 star: | (34) |
The only bank I am writing a review for. I opened a savings account, with a lot of money in it. They froze my account, cut my access to my funds for months, asked me for a lot of documents, not giving me any good reason, other than telling me to wait until their concerns are met. It turned out to be their mistake. They are still not returning my funds. They are a mess and very irresponsible and a bully when I ask them to return my funds, telling me I might have to wait for years. You have to sue them in the court to get your funds back, otherwise they will just shrug their shoulders and bully you.
Hard to believe, but the most horrible reviews of this bank are TRUE!
April is Autism Acceptance Month. Let us see what my spouse (Class 1 ASD) and I (Class 3 ASD) received from Autism hating abusers from Key Bank:
1. Our late Father (Class 1 ASD) had a house mortgage with Key Bank for his house at 1155 Pinewood Drive Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. My spouse grew up in that house.
2. Our late Father died during pandemic from brain tumor. Since he had severe immune system issues, we did not visit for a few months to avoid infecting him with coronavirus and causing his death. We sent him essential supplies, including food, via mail.
3. We did not know that he had brain tumor. Because of the tumor, he lost ability to take care of himself and of his house, and the house came into significant disarray.
4. We came to the house on July 4 2022 to clean it out and fix things. This is when I learned that in Pennsylvania to kill an Autistic person is a misdemeanor like traffic ticket. I develop life-threatening seizures from loud noise. All house neighbors were setting off fireworks like possessed maniacs. Police came and told us that they cannot do anything to stop the abuse. We had to leave to survive. It was also very difficult for me to be in the house because I have sensory sensitivity to smell and the house smelled very bad.
5. After our Father’s passing, we continued paying the mortgage, until disability abuse, disability discrimination, and hate crimes against us plunged us into poverty and we could no longer pay his mortgage.
6. Key Bank repeatedly sent process servers to our home. These process servers ignored Do Not Knock sign on our door and knocked loudly and repeatedly. They trespassed and ran around our home acting like deranged maniacs. They honked their car honks on purpose to abuse, threaten, and harass us. We have a sign on our car that says “We are Autistic loud noise causes us severe harm please do not make loud noise thank you.” They could see that sign. We were afraid to come out of our home. They proceeded to threaten, stalk, and harass us on our cell phones. They refused to stop even after we told them that we are Autistic and requested them to stop. They repeatedly harmed, harassed, threatened, stalked, and abused us.
7. On April 23 2024, Key Bank sent their employees to the 1155 Pinewood Drive house without notifying us. These employees trespassed, broke into the house, turned away security cameras and were stealing family possessions and family heirlooms in the background, away from the cameras view.
8. This is how Key Bank treats Autistic families during Autism Acceptance Month. After experiencing all of this horror, pain, and abuse, my spouse had suicidal thoughts and talked to me about killing himself. We will be filing massive lawsuit against Key Bank for disability abuse, disability discrimination, hate crimes, abuse and exploitation of vulnerable adults. We will also be filing criminal charges against process servers hired by Key Bank, bank employees who broke into our Father’s house and stole his belongings, and all persons responsible for harm and abuse caused to us. We will be sending police to the house to remove and arrest the trespassers. We will be applying for protective orders against Key Bank employees and process servers. We will be taking this story to the media so everyone knows what Key Bank really is – Autism hater and disability abuser. If you are disabled – do NOT do any business with Key Bank and close all of your accounts with them – because this is what they will do to you. I will put videographic evidence of hate crimes and abuse together in the next day or two and post it here. We will destroy Key Bank with our lawsuit and make them experience what being poor feels like. The wicked will suffer.
#KeyBank #boycottKeyBank #Autism #ASD #actuallyAutistic #hatecrime #disabilityabuse
I cannot believe the experience I have just had this evening with KeyBank. I was looking at my checking account tonight and I noticed that they had withdrawn $49.98. When I called customer service they told me they were reversing a provisional fee from a dispute. I made back in December 3 months ago, the dispute was against a fraudulent Macy’s page on Facebook where I ordered an item and I suddenly realized it was a scam. I even had a friend at Facebook flagged that page for removal. I received an email from the scam company. The email address was [email protected] not Macy’s. I google search this email address, and noticed online on malwaretips.com that this is a scam email address. I contacted KeyBank and disputed this fraudulent charge in December the next day I went and changed my debit card three months later today the reversing the provisional fee. After three calls this evening to their fraud department, I have gotten nowhere. They basically told me that after their investigation that they found no problems and that I was to take it up with the merchant however, there is no merchant it is an overseas scammer that is using company names to steal from thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people like me to make matters worse I looked back in my checking account back in December. I noticed when they gave me the provisional fee and then I noticed it was deducted not by Macy’s but by a company called Elmamode On the same day. I have never bought anything from Elmamode. so now I’m out about 100 bucks. So the scammers got their money. KeyBank is telling me to go seek out some invisible merchant to get my money back. I called the Gresham location and spoke to a woman there named Amanda who told me "we don't just give money back for fun." Duly unprofessional. I reported the bank to the BBB and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.If they do not straighten out the mess I will close my account and go elsewhere. Banks are supposed to protect your money from fraud and provide customer service.
i got a 200 dollar rebate check from capitalone ,, i went to the gresham eastman parkway branch to cash the rebate check ,, i had a key bank account there over 15 years ,,and a big direct deposit once a month ,, i go there the branch wanted me to deposit the check then take out the cash , i asked why i had over 2000 dollars in the bank , i said nope , then walked out of the branch , then i called the key bank toll free number and complained about the branch and the branch manager which is a little rude dealing with him in the pas called me ,, i tryed asking why cant i cash the the rebate check which is a repitual company , under certin circanstances i could ,, i was a little upset ,,the manager rudley said if raise your voice i will close out your checking account with key iam a adult not a kid, i had enough with key
Key left us just plain sad. We thought they'd be a wide reaching and secure bank for our remote are of new york state. They certainly have lovely staff. But when push came to shove and we needed protection from a scam, they threw us under the bus so quick it made our heads spin. And to boot, they tried to blame us and confuse us in the process. We got scammed in Mexico. It was one charge and we caught it right away. But their routine at Key is to pretend to listen and then stick you with the bill. They don't really have security, they just want you to think and spend like you do. We say steer clear. Just go to a big bank in a larger city. You'll get better everything and less disappointment.
This isnt a bank its a place that takes your money and keeps it hostage. Only was with them for a month and they froze my account without even telling me and the bills i paid they stopped the payments and i got charged late fees and the so called bank never refunded anything that i got charged for.When i finally got a hold of someone to find out why my account had been locked/frozen they told me they suspected fraud.So i went to the local branch and we went over everything they suspected fraud with. They came up with six withdraws of fraud.I had to write down and explain what every withdraw was for and heres the kicker.They made me go get it notarized in which i was charged 5.00 for that.Days go by and didnt hear nothing so i called and was told that they wanted to see my truck loan statement from my other bank.I told them to shove there account up there a**.Its been over two months now and i still didnt recieve a check for whats in my frozen/locked/closed account.Called this morning and was told i should recieve a check in 10 to 15 business days.I also asked about my zelle account.It needs to be closed on there side so i can use it with my new bank account.There response to that was i must go into there branch to have it done.No one should have to go out of there way for there own money.This bank put me through the ringer the last two months not to mention i had to rush around for another bank because my direct deposit from my job was gonna be denied from the frozen/locked account.Did i mention there was never any fraud found anywhere in my account.If this bank gotta worry about fraud that much and dont have a security to catch it then they shouldnt be in business.I live paycheck to paycheck like most people and we shouldnt have to worry about where our money is going.
Thieves. You're really going to keep my $7k+ for 7 days? Who does that. Thieves, that who. Next time somebody deposits a check, please let them know you will be holding it hostage for 1 week so they don't use that money. Especially right before Thanksgiving.
Opened up a checking account because keybank was offering a $200 bonus if I deposited $500 within the first 60 days. I made a deposit of $375 on Wednesday and another of $125 on Friday…$500 right! Keybank told me I didn’t qualify for the bonus because the $500 deposit wasn’t made all at once?! Closed my account on the spot! Avoid this bank if you value your time and money.
Dishonest, not trustworthy bank! Do not be a client with this bank!
Did a mobile upload with life insurance check ( was not alot) and these scumbags said it would be available the next DAY NOT BUSINESS DAY ( deposit was made on Friday.. then deciided to hold the funds to Friday the 22nd.. when i called them to question it they told me they want to make sure the payer has enough funds to cover the small check.. .. LMAO it is a well know insurance company.. keybank sucks
The best bank we've ever had. Excellent communication and service at our local branch. They used to be on the low end of interest paid on CD's and savings. Since the banking crises they are offering very attractive rates. Highly recommend!
Keybank isn't an honest institution to work with. I will write everything in detail once they release my deceased father's funds.
Once my car loan is up I will never bank here again. It’s just hard to do business with them. I tried at least three times to set up auto draft and they kept denying it because of tiny technicalities. Then I gave up and decides to just draft them once/month. Then I had a late payment which affects credit. It’s the opposite of a smooth experience dealing with these people. Can’t wait til my loan is paid off.
I enrolled for a "free" checking and savings account, which, of bourse, wasn't free. They collected $10 just to open a savings account. They didn't disclose any account fee information, terms, etc when opening the accounts. I also wasn't provided with credentials or instructions for online banking. KeyBank falls way short of a credible financial institution, and failure of disclosure information is most likely illegal. Bait and switch. They should get 0 stars.
I have had a KeyBank Checking account for over 3 months now. I deposited a money order on Saturday, and another one on Sunday. When I looked at the app, it said "funds will be available Tuesday." Okay, no problem. Tuesday morning comes, and I sign into my account and the deposit availability date changed to Saturday. 7 days to verify a MONEY ORDER?? It's a money order. I bought them at Giant Eagle, a week before, it turned out that I didn't need them. So, me, being insane I guess, thought "Hey, I'll deposit them in the ATM." Since KeyBank's hours of operation are ridiculous, of course they weren't open on Saturday at 2pm, the ATM was my only option. I am currently looking up The Expedited Funds Availability Act, which is extremely informative. From what I'm reading, KeyBank is violating this act, and I fully plan to bring a lawyer in to exercise my rights. These money orders weren't crazy amounts, they totaled about $750. There is no reason that my money order deposit wasn't cleared for my account today. As it stands right now,my account is $-171.00. I AM NOT paying any overdraft fees, and hopefully, by the time I'm done, they'll owe me money.
March 2023 I received an offer for $400 bonus with opening and dd of $500. I opened the account online, set up dd, and then set up a permanent link with the same bank I used to open the account. As soon as I did this, my online access was restricted, I had to call a number. I called, fifteen minutes on hold, they said I had to go to a branch. I went to a branch - I do not do brick and mortar banking, ordinarily - where I sat for an hour while the rep called somewhere, and couldn't help me because no one was there. I went back a week later after receiving a notice that the account was restricted and they were "reviewing it". After another hour and two phone calls, they are still "reviewing it". They said when I get a letter, IF they decide to have me as a customer at all, I will have to go into the branch AGAIN to get the hold lifted. I've never had such a heads-up-their-butts banking experience in my life. You sent ME this offer in the first %^&*# place! (And I love that the rep at the branch asked me how I liked Key and if I wanted to open a savings account while I was there anyway. REALLY?)
I LOVE KEYBANK… I love when I drive past Keybank on exit 333 and i see the big, bright, glorious, red key.
This is the worst bank ever . They would charge 38.50 in overdraft for a 5.dollar charge. They lie cheat and steal .I need help. DO NOT OPEN ACCOUNT HERE YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR ASSETS
They forced me to set up an auto pay on my loan. So I set up an automatic payment from my usual bank. They went into the account to do an auto payment and say there were no funds available (there was more than two payments worth of funds in the account), so they then turned it off and didn't tell me (they say they mailed a letter but I never received it) never called me to say my payment was late or sent any email telling me it wasn't paid. Then put a derogatory mark on my credit report and they will not remove it. Just to make it more irritating they have been charging me $15 a month on my savings account due to lack of activity! As soon as my prepay off penalty time frame is over I am moving my loan to another institution as fast as possible. THIS BANK IS WHAT GIVES BANKS A BAD NAME!!!
key bank locked my online account because they said the check I deposited was my wife and not mine, one agent also said, the check cannot get cleared unless I match the amount to my balance. another agent said it will be available soon.
after calling 4-5 times at keybank I end up going to the branch.
and after showing them my ID, they now ask my wife to come to show her face to the bank because same last name and check endorsement is not enough.
per teller she does not know my face.
i hope managers and trainers will look into this?
I was just asking for the correct process.
the key bank branch on eastman parkway in gresham refused to cash a best buy credit card cti credit card check for 300 dollars that was in my name ,, i had over 1,000 dollars in the bank i have been with key bank over 10 years,, i was not over drawn ,, the branch teller was rude she said i cant ,, then the bank manager goes over to the teller he was very rude and tells me she wont cash the check only deposit it ,, then i said well i wont cash the check i will be switching banks closing out my checking account stopping my direct deposit closing out key bank credit cards,, then the bank manager rudly tells me that i cant talk to them that way ,, i said iam done with key bank ,its my money i can go any where i like.. very horrable bank dont know who would want to have that bank years ago i had the same problem would not cash a check for me and i left the bank but only came back beause i moved closer to the bank ,, i am switching to bank across the street with way better customer service
Do think twice before opening an account with KeyBank. Especially a business account, KeyBank's security controls against fraudulent activities is entirely absent. On August 1, 2022 one of my worker deposited his paycheck, the funding was taken out of my account. No problem thus far.... Here comes the kicker. Followed by the check that just cleared, comes the same check number as the previous check that was cleared. The same check was placed over another check from a different company. With what was expose in the background is the name of the company and phone number, date, dollar amount. Two checks stacked together with almost perfect placement, concealing the other company's check's routing number and account number. The arrangement of the check is overwhelmingly altered. Yet KeyBank without question cleared the fraudulent check in the amount of $916.03 without my consent or knowledge. Glad I have a habit of checking my accounts frequent otherwise this might've went undetected.
When I was finally able to get someone on the phone, in fact he was the rep that set up our business accounts. I asked for an explanation how could this possibly happen. As he was looking on his screen at the both checks, this banking professional didn't see any problems. At this point I was taken by surprise. Clearly the second check is fraud. Altered in the most obvious manner. It's hard to miss truly.
When the rep finally realize that the check doesn't look right. How did this happen? Instead of taking accountability, his response was quite ridiculous. Maybe the checks got jammed together from the machine. See the legit check has already pass the machine cleared done. According to mr. banking professional's theory how does that work?
The check that been processed and cleared, but miraculously found its way to a random check with the perfect placement to pass through as another check. Is this the standard of banking now?
Be advised check your account activity frequently, at no point was my account in the negative. But yet there was a $33 overdraft charge. Even it was an error on the bank's end, as a financial institution isn't it your fiduciary responsibility to notify the customers...
As I informed by one of the banking professionals the due to the fact that its a new account. Any check deposit over $5,000 the bank place a week time hold. The rep assured me its a one time occurrence. Moving forward check deposit clearance time is 1-2 days. I made a mobile deposit on a Saturday, KeyBank place a hold and the funds will be available August 3rd. That's actually 3 business days. I was hoping 1-2 days as I was informed. Not a big deal off by 1 day.
As I was checking my account yesterday (Aug 2), I noticed couple of paychecks cleared along with a fraudulent transaction, overdraft fee, the check that KeyBank had a hold on, the funds were supposed to be available in my account on the 3rd, suddenly was in my account on Aug. 1. I had just enough funds to cover payroll. Suddenly KeyBank decided to make my funds available 2 days earlier than schedule. Coincidentally with my deposit cleared there was sufficient fund for the fraudulent check to clear.
All this happened on Aug 1, today is August 3rd. Not a single notification or alert regarding fraudulent activity in my account.
The fact that I, customer have to vigilantly monitor my bank account. Spending hours on the phone on hold trying to reach a banking personnel to find out how did this happen. As I been told they will expedite the "review" process, and get back to me by the end of day. A financial institution at this caliber, failed to identify a more than obvious altered, fabricated, modified check, completely went undetected, KeyBank proceed with full speed the funds were taken out of my account same day. Which begs the question, where are the security controls? Their explanation to hold my check deposits for several days is for security purposes. What are the security protocols in terms of fraud protection.Perhaps the bank should beef up their security in the fraud front.
Hopefully the bank can deliver as promised returning MY FUNDS, which shouldn't have left the bank without customer's authorization in the first place.
On July 25th I deposited a check for $125. I only had a dollar or so in the account (because this isn't the first time), however I do not know how much the bank immediately credits to the account, because there isn't a "available balance" printed on the receipt lol ike every other bank in the world. I proceeded to take $120 and was not alerted that I was only credited $100 of the check, and they feed the account $38.50. Customer service only says "I signed for overdraft protection" but never had a bank allowed for a cash withdrawal without enough funds. So, they keep you in the dark by not printing the balance and then will allow cash out with an absorbent fee. I will be closing this account.
Key Bank has mailed three offers to my father (who lived at my house) in the past six months; $500 bonus to open a new checking account. Nice deal, but my father could not take advantage of it because he passed away almost two years before he began receiving their mailings. Since I am his son, and live at the address that Key mailed to, and was in the market for a new checking account, I thought I would take Key up on their offer. Was I ever so wrong! I have talked with three different CSR's and one branch manager, and all refused to honor the promotion. They told me, only my long ago deceased father is eligible for the $500 promotion - not his live son who resides at the same address.
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO DO BUSINESS WITH KEYBANK. My account was compromised and one of the checks was duplicated and cashed for almost $6750.18The bank assured me that I have nothing to worry about, this happens all the time and that I should be able to see the money refunded to me within 2 weeks. After 5 months of waiting and over 23 phone calls, they finally told me that I didn’t notify them within 30 days and that they are now unable to refund my money. They told me this over the phone but said they will also send me a letter and explain everything there. I never received a letter or any other form of contact. They made me wait 5 months then ended up saying they cant help me only because I didn't know until after 30 days? They shouldn't have allowed for that check to be cashed. I have a business to run. I don't have the time to check my account every day. That's the bank's job. To protect their customers. KeyBank is not safe to do business with and you can't trust them with your money. The same thing happened to one of my friends at Webster Bank and she got a full refund with an apology. When I opened an account with the KeyBank they were so nice to me and ready to help. But when it comes to a problem, they would not even look at me or say hi. They look at you like you are the problem. I talked to the police department and over 7 banks. They all said that it's KeyBank's job to do the investigation and refund me the money and that they’ve never even heard of anything like this before.
Transferred recently to this back, thinking of all the things they offered sounded great. NOT. Warning! This bank is a scam, my account was overdraft once, but they didn't send any notification stating it was overdraft, so I move money from my savings to checking to cover any negative balance, then they proceed to charge me $240 in overdraft fee! When I made sure I paid the negative balance and even had extra money just in case. Do not open an account with this bank, they will take your money and leave you hanging dry! and no, they will not reimburse you the money, they will tell you they can't help you with anything.
After discovering the fraud of Wells Fargo in opening fictious savings accounts in our names, my terminally ill husband and I decided to close our accounts with them and were looking for a new bank. We received an offer of “KeyBank Promo Key Checking Account - $300 Bonus”. We decided to try KeyBank believing that they couldn’t be any worse than Wells Fargo. We were to discover the hard way; how wrong we were.
I explained to the KeyBank employee why we had closed the Wells Fargo accounts and why we were going to open an account with KeyBank. The first problem we ran into was that KeyBank was not forthcoming about giving their new customers the so called $300 bonus. I spent weeks contacting KeyBank to see why they did not fulfill their offer and wasting valuable time that should have been spent on my terminally ill husband’s care. After many excuses, we finally received the bonus.
Believing that was a single problem that occurred, we continued our business with Key bank. During a couple of inside branch visits, it was strongly suggested that we move most of our money from the checking account to a savings account as it would be ‘safer’ in the event of our debit card being stolen. It seemed a reasonable explanation, so we did that. The irony is that our monies weren’t at risk from stolen debit cards, they were at risk from KeyBank ‘nickel and diming’ us to exhaustion. I describe to people that it is like “asking the fox to guard the chicken coop.”
During the time that I was full-time caregiving for my husband as he was dying, I was having to ‘babysit’ our KeyBank accounts after finding more fees charged to our savings account. It appeared to us that this was the strategy to make back the $300 bonus that was offered to KeyBank customers. After seeing the charges to our savings account, I contacted the bank, and our savings account was switched to another type. There should not have been any issues to begin with as I explained explicitly what the savings account was going to be used for.
Thinking that the savings account issues were resolved, I was able to attend to my husband and then upon death, begin planning his funeral. A few weeks ago, I discovered that our savings account had more fees charged to us. I decided that I no longer wanted to deal with these ongoing issues and called the bank to arrange closing the account. That same day, I called several other banks (local; national; large; small) asking about their policies regarding fees, in particular, “The Federal Reserve's Regulation D”. The banks told me that they were aware of The Federal Reserve's Regulation D however, Because of COVID, Reg D has been temporarily suspended, and no resumption date has been announced.
I then called the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC, to confirm and they did so. I was also referred to the 10th District, Federal Reserve Bank, and the Denver branch of the Federal Reserve Board. I received the same confirmation. A couple weeks ago, I went to the KeyBank branch to close our savings account. I asked the employee, facetiously, “There isn’t a fee to close the account, is there?” He actually paused and was calculating. It was explained to me that they “didn’t have enough money at the branch to give me cash”. I told them a check was fine as I knew I was going to deposit at a bank that was following the Federal Reserve Board guidelines about suspension of Regulation D. Again, I asked facetiously, “There isn’t a fee for the check is there?” I was speechless when the employee told me there was. But they “graciously” waived it.
To this day, I am utterly amazed and still cannot believe this bank, that I thought was going to be more honest than Wells Fargo, turned out to be so much worse. Duplicity is never a good business plan and my husband, and I have always tried to avoid businesses that use duplicity as part of their business plan.
I’m also thoroughly disgusted that upon receiving a call from KeyBank which I thought was to settle the issues, I was instead told that The Federal Reserve's Regulation D and suspension of it didn’t apply to KeyBank’s policies. Interesting that the other banks are following the suspension. I even said, “So the Federal Reserve Board is lying? They were confused and didn’t know what they were telling me?”
It is a shameful, that KeyBank has no qualms about draining their customers’ accounts by nickel and diming’ them along the way. Even worse, is that they were financial predators with seniors, on a fixed income, and dealing with a spouse terminal illness. Our file on KeyBank is an inch thick. I wish we have never allowed ourselves to be ‘reeled in’ by a so called $300 bonus for opening a new customer account with them.
I feel that the three charges and money that Key bank deducted from our savings account should be refunded, especially in light of “The Federal Reserve's Regulation D-Reg D has been temporarily suspended, and no resumption date has been announced.” I also called Washington DC and the 10th District, and Denver Branch to advise them that according to KeyBank, the Federal Reserve is confused, doesn’t know what they are talking about, and that KeyBank does not have to follow their rules of suspension.
I opened my account a few months ago and last week had about 200$ of fraud on my account that made my checking go into the negative. I was informed it could take up to 10 days to refund me the money which means my checking account is still negative so I have been charged multiple overdraft fees, and on top of that I'm being charged more overdraft fees for not paying the current overdraft fees. I then get my pay check and decide to deposit it into my savings account because I want to have full access to my paycheck and not pay the negative balance in my checking that is due to fraud. I've deposited checks from this employer before but for some reason when I do mobile deposit it says my funds will be available the next day, I then get an email saying they are not gonna be available until the 15th. This morning I go to login to my account and it says my accounts locked and to please call customer service which I do and then I'm informed I have to go into a branch to resolve whatever issue is going on. I'm just fed up with this bank, it's pathetic they don't offer instant refunds for fraud like most banks do. I mean what if that was all the money I had and there gonna make me wait 10 days to get my money back? My checking account is negative 500$ now and 300$ of that is overdraft fees which I hope they will reverse after my fraud claim is completed. Has anyone else had issues like this with Key??
They continue to try to put checks through on my account even though I didn’t authorize them to pay overdrafts and charge me a insufficient fund fee they continue to put the checks through and are trying to charge me $38 for 1 and 2 tier overdrafts on money they don’t pay out anyway. I talked to customer service today and they said my account overdraft restriction that I placed on the account only apply to debit transactions I said that’s hilarious since I don’t have one of your debit cards because there was fraud on my account and the replacement card you sent was also hacked within tow hours of me activating it
I will absolutely never take out a car loan through Key Bank ever again. I was in a pinch and needed to get a new car immediately and didn’t have much of a choice who I took the loan out from. They were horrid to work with.
I originally set up my account to make auto payments every month. I never got a straight answer as to why, but at some point they just stopped taking money out of my account each month. I got a call when I was almost 4 months past due asking why I was behind…I had no idea I even was! I had not gotten any calls or documents prior to that.
I ended up paying the entire loan off early just to stop dealing with them. The past 3 (almost 4) months, they did not send me my statement at all. For 3 months, I called asking for a statement and was told it was just lost in the mail. For 3 straight months. There was one time I made the payment on time and it was delivered late, but with a time stamp from the post office proving I did my part to get it in on time. They still charged me a late fee and would not budge.
The general experience just felt like them setting me up for late fees. The amount of people I had to argue with over the past 4 years was absurd. I know they probably deal with people not paying on time for a lot of reasons, but there was never any accountability on their end. Never again. Absolute nightmare.
Administratively, this bank is third rate. Their online/web design is poor. Their policies are designed with their own administrative needs in mind rather than those of the customer. I inherited this bank when they bought my previous bank. I will be leaving for a bank with more astute and intelligent top level leadership.
I’m on my second time cashing a payroll check that they’ve decided to hold all the funds for 10 days. And didn’t notify me about doing so until the check already went into processing mode. And the $200 to open an account is a scam. Never got that. So I would highly suggest against using them!
I have had an account with Key Bank for several years. There customer service has is the worst and at this point I will be changing banks. They are unable to give you phone support or online support so you are forced to go into a branch to resolve issues. I was trying to stop payment on a check they had issued two months ago, the was never received by the creditor, and it was impossible to do over the phone because they decided to put a special security word on my account that I have no clue what it is. I called the local branch and was told there is no special security word on my account. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Bank anywhere but Key would be my advice!
They are the worst bank I have ever dealt with. They’ve actually charged me over draft fees because I left my balance at $6 even though there is no minimum required. So after charging me $38.50 for overdraft they charged me again because their initial overdraft fee made my account overdraft. I did a mobile deposit with a cashiers check, and it wasn’t made available to me for 7 days!!! When I called to ask about it they just basically too bad you have to wait.
Zero stars isn't an option.... bummer. They are disorganized liars. Signed up with a promotional offer. 3 months later haven't received bonus. I call. After long wait times, and a good 15 or 20 min on the phone with the rep, they tell me it will be deposited by the end of the month. Beginning of next month, still no bonus. Another call. Still long wait times, but this time, the rep says it will be there in two days. Fast forward to today, (4 days later). Still no bonus. I call again. Now they say that I don't qualify because I had had a key account to close previously to the offer. The offer was mailed and addressed to ME! Why would they make an offer they wouldn't honor? Why would two reps tell me the bonus was coming. This bank is a complete shit show. I will never put another dime in a key bank account. I wouldn't even put YOUR money in a keybank account. You're better off sticking your money under your mattress (not that I'm actually advocating that, find a bank, just not Key)