Optum Bank, Inc. Reviews

Average Rating:
Based on 42 review

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Qualifies As Racketeering

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It's abundantly clear from the other comments that Optum Bank is a racketeering operation.

When you have a problem with Optum Bank, your issue will likely be resolved fastest if you submit a complaint to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Go to:

The system is quick and easy to use. Here are some tips to make the process easier when submitting a complaint against Optum Bank:

1. For the question "What is the complaint about?", choose "Checking or savings account." They don't have an "HRA" choice but "Checking or savings account" works fine.

2. For "What type of banking product?, choose "Other banking product or service" and enter "Healthcare Reimbursement Account" in the text box below the answer.

3. For "What type of problem are you having?", choose "Managing an account."

4. For "What best describes your problem", choose whatever is most descriptive of the problem. Usually this will be "Problem making or receiving payments(bill pay, mobile or online payments, bank offsets, transaction holds)" or "Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed".

5. For "Company Name", enter "Optum". The name "OPTUM BANK, INC." should then automatically populate the field.

6. For "We need this information to help the company find you in the system . . .", select "billing address" and fill in your address.

You'll probably get an email from a government affairs rep at Optum Bank within a few business hours of submitting the complaint, and almost certainly within one day. The governmental affairs reps are much easier to deal with than the foreign-based Optum Bank phone reps.

After you've submitted your first complaint, many of the fields will automatically repopulate for subsequent complaints after you log on to the system, so future complaints are even faster and easier to submit.

Run Away, Run Away!

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I've had the same experience as many others that have posted here. Every interaction with them has been unpleasant. Upon transferring my account to my Fidelity HSA, I've been told that they mailed a check to Fidelity. WTF. Who mails checks? I doubt my account number is on the check and now I have two accounts (old and new) showing zero balances. Where's my money?

They "Lost" $500.

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I am in the process of transferring my account to another HSA provider because they claim they never received $500 which I transferred from my Schwab brokerage account over a month ago. I feel sorry for their customer service who use terms like "software glitch" and "opening a case" to appease customers. Unfortunately, I can't completely close the account. I have to wait and see if my money shows up.

Save Yourself From This Bank. Its A Nightmare

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They made it incredibly hard to transfer funds to another HSA account. I sent several requests followed by calls. They would always confirm that they received my forms and the funds would be transferred to my other HSA with in 7 to 10 business days, but this never happened. This went on for a year. Ultimately, I had to close my back account and hope to get my funds. Its like this bank is being run by a bunch of brain dead people. What blows my mind is how does a business like this continue to survive with this level of incompetency. I hope I never have to deal with them ever again.

No Benefits, Just Fees

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Wells Fargo sold my HSA to OPTUM banks a few ago (and OPTUM is owned by UNH now too, so 2 gig bank/health care company join forces: no wonder they know how to exploit customers). Now that I keep less than $2500 in the account (because I don't see the point of keeping money in an so-called "savings" account that gives me back 0.01 % interest. No kidding. How dare they?) , they started charging me a $3.25 monthly fee as a "service fee". Service? What service?I have experienced what awful customer service they give you when they send you a defective debit card (no kidding: they sent me a defectiveness card that was refused 3 times by my regular health care provider, and OPTUM barely apologized or acted to redress the problem). I decided to cancel my card, and I don't think a HSA card was ever a benefit in my situation anyway, but OPTUM will charge me $20 for that closing"service", and as others mentioned, they will make it very slow to happen. So I think the best solution for me is to drain my account (with medical bills or dental or optometry bills) until it dies of its own death. Meanwhile, they will keep charging $3.25 per month until I finally kill that vampire. Think twice before signing on with an HSA, and run from OPTUM bank.

Run Away / HSA / Liar

what a scam. secretly charging monthly fee and management fee. did not know that until one year after, when I received the first statement. What a scam. When I noticed from the statement that this is a utah company, I become alerted and called to cancel my hsa account.

Avoid At All Costs

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This bank is the most unhelpful unuseful organization in the Western world. They have customer service agents that lie to customers, don’t listen to customers and have management that won’t call their customers back when dealing with an issue wholly caused by them. If my company allowed my HSA to be with any other company I would. I would never voluntarily do business with this company again.


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My direct depositsfrom my employer keep taking longer and longer to post to my account. They keep saying speak to your employer. Employer says funds were released your payday. They say up to business days, then 5 to 7, then today they said 15 business days! What bank takes 15 days to pay a payment? They are collecting interest in our money. It's time for a mass lawsuit. They are using deceptive banking practices to make money off of our money, while putting us in binds.

If Only Zero Star Were An Option

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If only zero star were an option! If you have HSA/FSA account with them, beware. I had a FSA limited purpose (dental and vision expenses only) account that had funds expiring May 31st. I went to the eye doctor and ordered a pair of eye glasses on May 14th. On May 29th I notice that the funds were taken from my HSA account instead of my FSA account. So I called them the same day and was told that because I filed a claim and sent in the receipts BEFORE the funds expired, I would have until July 31st to have transaction moved to the FSA account, but is should be resolved in 3-5 business days, so no need to worry. Well NINE 3-5 business days and a dozen phone calls later, my claim is still NOT taken care of. It's now August 9th and Optum is telling me I need to open a new FSA account so they have somewhere to move the claim to. I don't want a new FSA account because I don't want to worry about expiring funds and I don't want to have to switch insurance plans. I'm so unbelievably angry and frustrated with them. This company is garbage. AVOID THEM IF POSSIBLE!

Optum Is Just Horrible

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When I retired I wanted to consolidate my HSA balance with this crappy company and they made it absolutely as painful as possible. Something that most companies do in 2 days is now approaching 2 months! And I still dont have my money! When I finally printed off the form, liquidated my investments, snail mailed the form, they tell then it will be 5-6 weeks to get a check sent to my other account???WTF! When i asked if I would be getting interest on my waiting funds, they NO, but they would be. Just stealing...if you can avoid it, dont use this joke of a company Oh, and I was told I would need to contiunue paying fees while they needlessly hold my money

False Information

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If I could give a zero rating I would. This very unacceptable I called over two weeks ago to close my accounts with this bank because I’m no longer working for my previous employer and so i proceeded to let the representative no that I have moved and no longer work for that employer he let me know that I will be receiving a check with the remaining balance in the account so I did I waited over two weeks and still no check so I called back to find out the first rep didn’t close my account and the second rep closed the account and that it’s going to be expedited 3-5 business days it didn’t sound to promising so I called right back to confirm to find out they don’t do expedited checks. So now with the third rep I have to wait another two weeks just to receive what’s mines. The false information that’s being giving out is very unacceptable and I will never go through them ever again and don’t recommend no one to deal with this company. Communication is poor and there needs to be some more training and coaching with all the false information and not doing their jobs correctly get it together so there won’t be any more of this nonsense.

Bad Practices

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This is the worst bank I've ever dealt with. Communication and detail are very poor. My funds have been frozen without any detail about why or how to address it. Its almost like a scam.

This Bank Is A Nightmare To Deal With

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I give a one star rating because there are no 0 or negative star ratings. Unfortunately I have an Optum HSA Payment card through United Healthcare since United Health care chose to partner with this bank. This bank offers the worst service I've encountered. First of all, this HSA payment card never worked when I try to use it at any doctor's office. It always decline the charges. Ironically, my wallet was stolen, and the thief was able to swipe this card to purchase around $2,500 worth of gift cards at Walmart within a span of 2 minutes. The nightmare continues. After I reported these fraudulent charges to Optum bank, the bank refuses to refund the fraudulent charges. Its been months since I reported the fraudulent charges, and I'm still fighting for the refunds till today. If you have a choice, PLEASE do your self a favor and not bank with this institution.

Continued Terrible Customer Service And Scam HSA Management

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When optum financial took over my HSA from optum bank (which I was never informed about when trying to login to my account months later!) I was eventually able to log in to see dozens of dollars taken for exorbitant scamming fees from this so-called bank. I immediately setup a TOA from this account and another HSA through umb to fidelity. uMB took 2-3 weeks and it was smooth. Optum took over a month with no communication with fidelity, as that is their idiotic policy. They told me that was concerning and to call. I managed to get ahold of optum and they said they would escalate it. Two days later a deposit is finally made in fidelity and I called to close the case.

One week later the money has been removed because the check was cancelled! The ineptitude of this company is beyond comparison. Now I have to ensure they actually send another check instead of just stealing or losing my money entirely! Horrible bank! They deserve the 0/5 stars (because that is their real rating since all of these people were unable to leave less than 1)

Shitty Company, Stay Away.

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Why is this shitty company still operating? I have to reset my password EVERY SINGLE F* time I have to log in. The worst part is when I try to set a new password their stupid cracked system: "CANNOT USE AN OLD PASSWORD". this company is simply a joke. Payments are RARELY processed or even take too long to the point that I have to pay again. Problems after problems and their CS is just crap. Worst company ever, probably after Elon Musk's Twitter.

Terrible HSA Provider

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This is the worst HSA provider ever! Their customer service is absolutely horrible. I have HSA money from my previous company and I have been trying to move my money out, but have not been able to. I have tried to move my money 3 times and they keep cancelling my transfer. I have wasted multiple hours on the call with these people and they have done absolutely nothing.

Now they are charging me monthly fees for having an account with them. So not only can I not get my own money, but now I have to waste money by keeping an account that I don't want.

Steals Your Money And Causes Issues Using An HSA

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All, this bank is tied to UHC, the service is horrible. I have over 30K in the HSA since it has been growing since 2010. Yet when I go to use it, they set my card to fraud.
Now when I am online trying to get a new card, they will not let me. I had a medical appointment and the card failed.
They never contacted me. I ordered a card for my son, and they cancelled my card. They never sent a new card. This is one way of blocking the funds from being used.
They also stated someone called and reported fraud, but cannot tell me who, when and why.


Incompetent And Terrible Customer Service

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I too was denied an HSA rollover by Optum to a Fidelity account. Instead, they actually rolled my cash and investment accounts back and forth costing me quite a bit of extra money. THEN followed up with a $20 charge to transfer the funds that still haven't been transferred weeks later. I have held a number of HSA accounts over the years and never seen anything so incompetent or dishonest. They are just stealing our money.

Just Say No

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This FSA provider is terrible. They deny every single one of my claims for the major medical center in the are and requires extensive documentation. Customer service is unable to provide any help other than you just have to provide the documentation. They hide behind IRS codes, but have zero accountability the IRS nor can they provide any sort of code reference that are accountable too. This entity appears to be playing for the forfeiture clause to take your money. I even had a Team Lead threaten me with employer contact for holding them accountable for bad conduction and behavior!

Incompetence Is Staggering

After leaving my previous employer, I completed TOA through Fidelity to transfer my Optum HSA. Optum rejected the request. I had to call Optum Customer Service twice because they are apparently “uncooperative” with Fidelity for a simple TOA that has now taken in excess of 4 weeks. AND I WAS CHARGED A $20 TRANSFER FEE FOR A TRANSFER THEY HAVE NOT DONE OR REFUSE TO DO! Now I apparently have money just sitting in OPTUM limbo awaiting a transfer. They also have ZERO resources or forms on their website if you are attempting to transfer money OUT from their HSA administration. I never even used the HSA and there were no investments to liquidate. The HSA account is all cash! Run away and never deposit a red cent if OPTUM is the administrator.

Worst Cusomer Service Yet!

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Having just spent nearly 2 hours on the phone with Optum's so-called "Customer Service" in the Philippines, I am praying that I don't die before depleting my HSA account. The Filipinos are pleasant enough but they are difficult to understand and haven't a clue about Optum's procedures. I've been trying since 2017 to get a beneficiary on my Optum account - sending email and snail mail versions of the Designation of Beneficiary form - and every year they send me an email saying they have no beneficiary designation. And their Utah phone number - 801 982 3000 - is out of service !!!
I don't believe they are a legitimate business, based upon the other reviews here. They are a well-organized scam.

MK Williams

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Optum manages my Retiree HSA account. In April, 2022 I used their debit card 4 times and they challenged 2 out of the 4 charges! Demanding that I provide additional documentation about the charges, or they will refuse access to MY OWN FUNDS! There was nothing suspicious about the debits. One was to directly to a medical lab for my routine pap smear, BILLED BY MY OB/GYN, and the second charge was to a medical imaging center called Solis mammography imaging for a diagnostic mammogram! For heaven sake, nothing about those charges are suspect!! Also, why are they challenging 50% of my the debits TO MY OWN FUNDS? This extra BS I must go through is harassment and the "customer service" department is a complete JOKE! Robotic, incompetent agents who refuse to escalate to a supervisor or manager or even give the name of person in charge! I can't find the receipt for the lab bill. When I asked what happens next, does Optum keep my money? I was told a supervisor whould call " within 24-48 " hours to explain. That was a week ago, I have not been called. How can Optum get away with this?

Tax Form On Death Distribution

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I closed out my late husband's HSA after my husband's death in 2021. Received the check promptly, Problem is that I still (4/14/2022) have NOT received the tax form detailing the distribution. After a total of 8 phone calls over a span of two and a half1 months, A "supervisor" explained to me that death distributions don't belong on 1099-SA And apparently didn't know that they are taxable. My solution is to refer them to the IRS and my state SCDOR. And let them deal with the idiocy of Optum.

If I could give 0 stars, I would.

They Will Try To Keep Your Money

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An absolute joke! They REFUSE to give me my HSA card after 3 months of having an account. No help at "Customer Care" or any other customer service number provided. They lie, tell you a different story in each phone call, transfer you to irrelevant departments if you ask for the help of a supervisor, and refuse to put anything in writing. Any guesses why?

RUN FROM THIS POORLY RUN COMPANY! There is an excellent reason for their 1/5-star review average on Google. Read about the 200 other very dissatisfied customers' experiences if you don't believe me.


I have been trying for WEEKS to get my money from this “bank”. After being laid off from my job I wanted to close my HSA account I called “customer service” if that’s what you want to call this sham, I told them I wanted to close my account, they said ok it will take 7-10 to receive a check. I said no I want my money transferred to my Chase account, the one on file, I had been making deposits from for the past year into their account with no problems. The agent said ok that would take 3-5 business days. TWO WEEKS (14) days later I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY $1,115.59!! I have called customer service repeatedly for my money only to be told call your bank MAYBE they have it! Really?? Then I was told wait 5 more days sometimes the system is confused and you money is PENDING SOMEWHERE!! You don’t know where my money is and you’re a bank?? I have asked for supervisors only to be told none were available and they would call me back. Of course NOTHING. Customer service is a joke it’s outsourced overseas and you can’t half ever understand what they are saying, they just keeping reading the same script OVER and OVER and never find a resolution. If your job overs this as an HSA, AVOID IT, DO NOT USE YOU WILL NEVER GET YOUR MONEY BACK!! I wish I could give ZERO stars!

Don’T Bother With Customer Service Unless You Have Hours To Spend

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So thankful that my HR department switched us to another provider after Optum decided to start charging a monthly fee. Had to call customer service after the account was changed in February because Optum never sent me tax forms and shut off my account access. After 3 hours of being transferred back and forth from their 866 number, 844 number, and 877 number I realized they were all just passing me around with no intention of getting me my tax forms. Several of the 9 employees I spoke with tried to put the blame on my new HSA bank saying they should have my tax forms. Why would a bank I just got transferred to in February 2022 have my tax forms from Optum for 2021? When I finally told the 10th person I was transferred to that I no longer wanted to speak with them that I wanted to speak with a supervisor they magically realized I had been locked out of the account and just needed a link to reset my password. I finally had access to my tax forms after a 3 hour and 18 minute ordeal that required me waiting on hold and speaking with 10 different people. If this what Optum Bank calls customer service I am so glad that my boss decided to transfer my account instead of me paying a monthly fee for this type of “service”.

Worst HSA And Benefits Vendor

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I have 45 years in the employee benefits consulting business working with large clients.

Optum is by far the worst vendor in the HSA arena.

No customer service. Terrible systems that are not user friendly.


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Optum decided they were going to change to Visa instead of .Master Card and declined payments BEFORE I recieved a new card even though my card was good for another month. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE AN OPTUM ACCOUNT FOR YOUR HSA.

Support Doesn't Know Their Own Policies

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I was charged a paper statement fee. I never signed up for it. I was informed that it is required by my cardholder services agreement.
So while waiting for them to show me where that is on the site (It isn't) I read the copy I had. It isn't there. It points to the HSA agreement. Which I mentioned and the support person went looking for it. They couldn't find it on the site either. It is listed in the HSA agreement for paper statements but since I didn't sign up for one as evidenced by my preferences, then I shouldn't have been charged.
A ticket was raised for my dispute.
I now have a request to my HR team if I can move my account from them to a different provided. If you can lie about a small thing then you'll lie about a big one too.

Red Tape & Fees

Left my job that had Optum HSA and was told the HSA money was mine, so I didn't check on it for a few months (other than to change investment contribution; website was not the best to use & had very little useful info/details).

Finally checked the balance online, and the account was hit with a $2.75 monthly maintenance fee since I stopped contributing to it, on top of the usual admin fees for investments. The fees also eat away at the HSA balance that has a minimum balance requirement.

So I decided to transfer the HSA to Fidelity, but the website did not have clear instructions on transferring in-kind investments. I ended up changing the investment elections to a Fidelity fund, thinking this could get transferred. Changing to a different fund took 3 days.

I then started the transfer process at Fidelity, which they estimated would take 2 weeks (on Optum's part). After 2 weeks, I called Optum to ask about the transfer, CS rep said I had to liquidate the investment and call back to get the transfer paperwork started.

Liquidated investment on a Wednesday & it shows up as transactions on the same day in the investment account, but not HSA cash account. Called Optum again and was told it'd take 3-5 days to process, but unlikely to process by Friday, so next week then. Cash disbursement does not show up as a pending transaction, but shows up as a processed transaction back dated to Thursday. The balance however does not include the disbursement as of Friday.

I don't really understand why an investment to HSA transfer takes more than 3 days. They sell the mutual fund EOD, takes 2 days to settle funds, and the funds should go from investment account to HSA account the same day, if not instantly when they get the funds from sale.

On top of waiting till next week to call them to start the transfer to Fidelity, CS rep said it would take 7-10 days to do so. In all likelihood, I'll get hit with another monthly maintenance fee.

Did I mention the website isn't the easiest to use and contains only basic info (or hides relevant info needed to make a decision)?

Only positive for me is I didn't have a need to use the HSA for a medical purpose. Would hate to think of the hoops I'd have to jump through just for some vitamins or copay.

Fraud Dept Is Overseas And Outsourced

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Voice Connection is terrible quality.

Received notification of a possible fraud. Had them cancel the card. Big Surprise - they can't replace the card. "You have to call your bank for that. We are just the fraud Department".

So they have access to my details to verify my identity, and my transactions -but are lacking a button on there screen that says "Replace Card".

Who does that? Someone that never wants you to spend any of your HSA.

Optum Financial Worst Ever

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My bank merged and our HSA was transferred to Optum. They failed to send a credit card and had to call. Set up an account and then could not access. It's been months and cannot access to pay medical bills. Been run in circles and circles and circles attempting to access account. ZERO stars. Worst company I have ever dealt with.

FSA Experience Is Horrible

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Regardless of what I buy on Amazon HSA/FSA store, this card gives a decline. Customer support says "coded wrong." Previous FSA providers and HSA providers had zero issues.

Asked me to submit receipts 6 months afterwards for a charge at my dentist's office. I had lost the receipt and it took a lot of effort to pay Optum for my originally valid FSA charge.

I'm just submitting receipts every time now and getting reimbursed from charges on my other cards. This is the worst experience I've ever had with this sort of account. I never want to use Optum Financial and wish my employer didn't switch to them.

Optum Bank Is HORRIBLE For HSA Accounts

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I have been trying to transfer my money OUT of Optum Bank to another HSA provider since July 23, It is now Sept 3. This effort is *STILL* not completed. As others have reported Optum Bank will not respond to a TRANSFER request. Optum Bank continually tells me that have not received any request to transfer. Baloney. DO NOT USE OPTUM BANK for ANYTHING.

They Won't Let Me Withdraw My Money

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I put money into Optum Bank for an HSA. When I submitted a claim, it stayed in "pending" status for weeks. I finally tried contacting them through their website, but no response after a week. I tried calling them a few times, but as soon as you request to talk to a rep they hang up on you. I will never trust Optum with my money again.

So Bad I Made This Acct Just To Give The A 1-Star Review

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They're so unorganized and customer service is absolutely useless. They've sent me the same exact address change confirmation literally 10+ times even after I contacted to tell them to stop sending it (I had already confirmed the change long before that). Now I need a bank statement for loan application and my most recent month's statement is not available even though we're 9 months into the current month. All customer service told me was to check the statements page after I already told them I had done that and it wasn't there. Wish I could change banks but this is my HSA which my employer is in charge of.

I Can't Find One Positive Review?

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This is terrible! My electricity is being shut off thanks to these evil people. What happened to the BBB?

Customer Service The Worse

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I am so sick of dealing with these people! They give you and your physician the run around. Its endless with these people. I'm starting to think someone in the company is stealing money! Cant talk to anyone to get payments that are out in limbo reimbursed back into our account!! Someone must be on a nice vacation somewhere as to why you get the run around!

FSA Account

Every time I have try to use my worthless debit/credit card it gets decline. I got my account for only one purpose and I have uploaded the receipt plenty of times now. If the company you work for offers fsa through this company. Probably not a good idea. I waste more time send my receipt than is worth. I am very dissatisfied with this company! If I could give them 0 stars I would!

Scammers For Death Of Acct Holders

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My brother died last September, and he had 1300 in a HSA acct through optum. I sent in the death certificate and other paperwork that says I'm next of kin. All they do is keep sending me letters and runarounds. Worst place ever to deal with any acct. If I could give it minus 5 stars I would. Asked them to have a manager call me back constantly and nothing. No integrity nor customer service. But they do continue to collect interest on my brother's money while he's dead.

NOT Optimum Experience!

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Individual HSA - Optum has a history of receiving transfers from my account (i.e., CASH funds are electronically withdrawn from an outside account to my HSA) and they do not make them available from my HSA for days after they have the money. So I no longer have MY money in one account ... and I cannot access MY money in my HSA. Their policy says "it MAY take up to 5 business days from the initiation date for funds to become available." It should read, "WE WILL TAKE 5 OR MORE BUSINESS DAYS ..."

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