In Memoriam

  |     |   186 posts since 2012

One of our longtime members suggested that this blog--as we know it--has ceased to exist--and that a memorial service would be appropriate. I offer my eulogy below; and others can feel to add their reflections (Please note that Ken is doing fine--this is a memorial for the Deposit Accounts Blog).

We are gathered here today to express deep appreciation for the outstanding and diligent work of Ken Tumin. His in depth analyses, thoughtful commentary, outstanding work ethic, and warm and humble approach to leadership enabled so many of us to grow in our knowledge of savings, economics, and the Fed; and in doing so, empowered us to make wise and prudent financial decisions for ourselves and for our families. We are glad to know that Ken has not left the website entirely and are thankful that he will be still be sharing his reflections about the Fed meetings from time to time. While Ken's cameo presence remains most welcome; we know that executive and editorial control has passed hands to Lending Tree senior management. When that transition occurred, this blog quickly moved to hospice care and has for all practical purposes passed on. Many of us (I cannot speak for all) are disappointed that the new leadership didn't take the time to introduce themselves, to get to know the readership, and to solicit our counsel and suggestions--as any wise senior management team would do. Had they realized the financial knowledge and sophistication of the readership, we would not have been shocked by grade school level articles on how to open bank accounts or how to find our account numbers in the first place. While we understand the need for businesses to implement search engine optimization, the most searched and sought after banking topics are consumer and commercial banking, risk management, and technology--not a primer on how to tie our financial shoes.

We grieve as well that commenting on blog posts has been severely limited or eliminated all together, taking away the wonderful opportunity to learn from one another--especially those with different perspectives than our own. Yet even as we grieve the passing away of our beloved financial blog, we nevertheless express our gratitude for Ken, for our fellowship, and even for our disagreements--for iron always sharpens iron. Though I will periodically stop by this ghost town to check on rates, and to see if there are any prescient miscellaneous posts; it is time to grieve what has been lost. I close with the conflated words of The Carol Burnett Show and Cheers: "I'm so glad we had this time together; sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your (user)name. In Memoriam, KCFIELD

  |     |   855 posts since 2017
Since we are gathered here today to express deep appreciation for the outstanding work of Ken Tumin, allow me to also share the time Ken Tumin decided to try his hand at home improvement. Armed with nothing but a YouTube tutorial and a questionable sense of confidence, Ken attempted to install a ceiling fan. What we got was a new take on Cirque du Soleil. There was balancing on ladders, dodging falling tools, and, of course, the grand finale: the ceiling fan dangling by a single wire, spinning at warp speed while Ken stood below, iced tea in hand, declaring it a job well done.

  |     |   458 posts since 2014
From today's Washington Post obituary:

"...Invited to be in the audience for the 2012 presidential debate, Ken shouted out a remark which would go on to become one of that year's most famous campaign slogans -- though it's now unclear if he was referring to politics, or the better rates on CDs he would always find: 'When they go Low... we go High!'"
  |     |   310 posts since 2023
How many still do business with the advertisers of the dearly departed? We know several left Navy but isn’t that what the departed’s (and others) goal were by having the dearly departed “never” be forthright about their data issues…sorry guys/gals, but data issues were on-going before your Memorial service was calendarized. Remember when you sell your business you have the opportunities to have a post-partum success party too…do it right!  Or did you?

PS.  I quote me1004, from a recent post, “It doesn't seem to matter how serious a violation they make, people still hand them their money.”
  |     |   1,360 posts since 2010
I'm flattered to be quoted, but just to be clear, that was a different context, and while I chose not to name that bank, I will say, it was not Navy Fed. But yes, the quote could fit varioius contexts.
  |     |   186 posts since 2012
C1: The USDA has graded your comment as "Choice." Mazel Tov, and onward to Prime!
  |     |   66 posts since 2020
Yeah, I will miss all the good times. All the days that a crew from here at DA went out for beers with Ken after he would publish another phenomenal blog.

Ken Tumeric and I are basically best buddies. But not in a gay way.  Not that there would be anything wrong with that. 

Sometimes Kent & I would go over and throw eggs at Anthony Nguyen's house. He's the guy who regularly stole information from Ken without giving credit.

I will visit Ken's gravesite regularly and pay my respects.

I raise my mug in the air and give a toast to the Late Great Ken Tumor --- Cheers Ken.... wherever you are. We are all drinking and thinking of you. And all that you do. Or... uh... did.

Your bestest buddy and greatest pal,

--Heywood J.
  |     |   1 posts since 2024
Ken, if you read this I would like to thank you for all the great information that you provided over the years. Good luck to you in the future. I wish the format that you used would return but I will not count on it. I gather that DA has new owners. What do they expect to accomplish with such a watered down and anemic website? Make money??? I will be looking elsewhere.
  |     |   83 posts since 2022
I wish Ken and his handsome partner the very best as they expand their family. He really had such a great impact on us with his insight and every day I looked forward to the blog and if I missed it I would go to the archive. Now this place is a complete joke except for the regulars such as P_D, KCfield, midas89, me1004, racecar, deporable. Ally, etc. it's ashame the fools couldn't work out a fair deal with Ken. I think they were jealous on how much he sold this site to lendingtree and he was able to cash out. Oh well..

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